Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a highly effective form of psychotherapy used to treat addictions and mental health conditions. At Psyclarity Health, we believe in using cbt for addiction and mental health problems as an effective part of our evidence-based treatment programs.


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a goal-oriented form of psychotherapy. As a talk therapy, CBT takes a hands-on approach to help patients become aware of negative self-talk and other self-destructive behaviors.


The most effective outcome of CBT is its ability to change people’s attitudes and destructive behaviors by focusing on their thoughts, images, beliefs, and attitudes. This is also known as a person’s cognitive processes.

After treatment, CBT patients understand how these processes relate to how they behave, how they deal with emotional problems, or what makes them susceptible to substance abuse.

Alone or in conjunction with other forms of treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy gives patients the insight and understanding to handle stressful life situations and abstain from self-harming behaviors. CBT sessions at Psyclarity Health are structured, employing a formulaic approach to helping patients recognize inaccurate and harmful patterns of thought.

Patients can expect to emerge from treatment with a new awareness of what they think and their beliefs. With this knowledge, effective CBT allows the patient to approach challenging situations with a clear, rational mind and respond beneficially.


When used as part of a comprehensive addiction recovery program, CBT for addiction focuses on the premise that addiction is caused and exacerbated by dysfunctional thought patterns.

These negative feelings and thought patterns can impact a person’s ability to make healthy choices and might lead them to indulge in self-destructive behavior, such as substance abuse. During recovery, these thought patterns can also affect the person’s ability to believe that they can recover successfully. They may experience feelings of hopelessness.

This is where CBT for addiction comes in. At Psyclarity Health, we use CBT to address and transform these negative thought patterns. The patient develops the ability to change how they respond to stress, and learn new, healthier ways of thinking. CBT for addiction gives patients the tools they need to live a healthy, sober life.


We believe that CBT works in drug and alcohol addiction treatment because in order to change behavior, one must first change their ways of thinking.

At Psyclarity Health, our CBT practitioners work closely with patients during therapy sessions to help them identify the negative thought patterns that contribute to drug and alcohol abuse. By determining which aspects of their thinking are causing the self-destructive behavior, the therapist is able to help the patient identify what areas to focus on in treatment.

Once these destructive beliefs are identified, the therapist can help the patient learn how to replace these dysfunctional thoughts with positive ones. The patient is also taught healthy coping skills that mean they will not feel the need to turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with problems. CBT is evidence-based and is proven to be effective when used to treat the underlying behaviors that lead to addiction.

When choosing to undergo CBT for addiction recovery, patients can expect to:

• Learn how to interrupt patterns of negative self-talk

• Confront self-defeating, unhealthy beliefs

• Learn healthy coping mechanisms

• Achieve healthier levels of self-awareness and self-esteem

CBT forms an integral part of addiction treatment at Psyclarity Health centers. It is included in the inpatient, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient programs.


CBT is very effective when used as a form of treatment for psychological disorders. It has been proven to effectively treat a range of mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and other mental health conditions.


The core focus of CBT for mental health treatment is to help patients change their unhealthy thinking patterns and behaviors by:

• Teaching them how to recognize their distorted ways of thinking and how these thought patterns create problems. The patient is taught to re-evaluate their thoughts in a more realistic sense.

• Helping patients gain a better understanding of their own behavior and the reasons behind this behavior.

• Helping patients develop confidence in their own abilities, and build their sense of self worth.

• Teaching patients to face their fears instead of using common avoidance techniques.

• Using role-playing to help patients prepare themselves for certain interactions with people and the world and around them.

• Teaching patients to self-soothe, and calm their mind and body.

During CBT for mental health treatment, the patient is empowered to take charge of their own mind and actions. They learn that they can control the way they think, and how they behave as a result of their thoughts. The patient is taught healthy coping mechanisms, and how to live a fulfilling, stable life.


An additional form of CBT, known as trauma-focused CBT, is used to treat the devastating effects of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder. Often, victims of trauma will turn to drugs or alcohol to soothe their symptoms. Trauma-focused CBT focuses on addressing these coping mechanisms and helping the patient learn new, healthy ones.

Trauma-focused CBT is most often used to treat children and adolescents suffering from childhood sexual or physical abuse, or the effects of other traumatic past experiences. However, it can be used to treat adults who have not yet recovered from childhood or past trauma.


The duration of CBT therapy depends on what conditions are being treated. CBT used to treat mental health disorders typically requires half an hour, or hour long sessions, weekly for a period of between 3 and 6 months. However, if the patient is struggling with a severe mental health condition, they may require a longer period of treatment.

Another consideration is whether or not the patient first attends inpatient treatment. In this case, to effect positive change, the patient may attend daily CBT sessions. When used as part of addiction recovery, CBT is usually included as part of clients’ inpatient treatment program. Depending on the severity of substance use disorder present, and any co-occurring disorders, the patient may continue with therapy once they have completed inpatient treatment.


CBT is a powerful form of therapy that sets the patient up for success in long-term sobriety and healthy management of mental health disorder symptoms. It will give the patient power to cope with life’s challenges in a healthy and informed manner.

To get the most out of cognitive behavioral therapy, the patient must remember to:

• View therapy as a partnership

• Be open and honest

• Be devoted to the treatment plan

• Set realistic expectations and remember there are no quick fixes

• Don’t be afraid to tell the therapist the treatment isn’t working

If a patient enters cognitive behavioral therapy with the right mindset, it is a powerful force and foundation for treatment. CBT will help to set negative thought habits aside and make room for a positive and worthwhile life.

At Psyclarity Health, we are committed to helping our patients successfully recover from addiction and behavioral health concerns. Our facilities are staffed by experts in mental health care and addiction recovery, and all CBT sessions are conducted by highly qualified cognitive behavioral therapists.

In addition to CBT, we offer a wide range of highly effective proven treatment modalities for addiction, and a full complement of mental health services. Get in touch with us to learn more about what we treat and how we can help you.


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