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Innovative Technology
for You and Your Patients

In addition to our wide range of outpatient services, we also offer a data-driven app designed to optimize and revolutionize the treatment experience.

The Psyclarity Health app will enable you to upload and monitor your client’s health records electronically. You will be able to:

  • Upload all clinical documentation, notes, and medical reports
  • Track and give input on your client’s treatment program
  • Offer support and telehealth services through the app to your patient

The app has also been designed to help our patients build and monitor their recovery plan, engage with a recovery community, access telehealth sessions, track progress every step of the way, and be their go-to recovery toolbox on their recovery journey.

Treatment Centers for
Community Organizations

Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs) are community-based, non-profit organizations led by and comprised of members of local communities to address substance abuse and related mental health problems within their areas.

Support Services

RCOs often include family members or friends of loved ones who may be facing substance abuse and mental health issues due to substance addiction. Their goal is to support people by providing a unified voice in calling for stronger public policies, more resources, and funding to implement health programs and recovery services in their communities.

RCO practices may include social activities as well as outreach programs to identify community members who are at risk of developing a substance use disorder or are already in need of addiction treatment. In addition to education to help with substance abuse prevention, these community organizations offer peer support services committed to supporting people overcoming addiction who need help sustaining recovery.

Being Part of a
Recovery Community

If you’re part of an RCO, you’ll be aware of the value of mentorship programs, recovery services, and local resources targeted at educating people facing addiction challenges. Families and community groups serve an invaluable role in the development of these services. However, there comes a time when recovery support services must turn to specialists for medical and technical assistance.

Here, forming partnerships with dedicated rehab facilities such as Psyclarity Health is a vital part of securing sustained recovery.

Substance Abuse
Treatment Programs

Psyclarity Health’s patient-centric programs are ideally suited to community members requiring specialized addiction treatment and related mental health services. The group’s nationwide rehab facilities are tailored exclusively for male patients requiring discreet, private solutions to substance abuse issues. The goal is to give each patient access to a healthy, fulfilling future with the training needed to maintain a positive outlook and good relationships at home, in the community, and in their place of employment.

Psyclarity’s caring staff is focused on providing each patient with an individualized program implementing innovative addiction recovery along with tailored mental health services. Incorporating the future of rehabilitative medicine, the team at the inpatient rehab center integrates dynamic therapeutic technologies and wellness with advanced clinical modalities.

The staff at Psyclarity Health consists of qualified professionals specializing in a range of health care services, including mental health services pertaining to addiction recovery. These include case managers, doctors, nurses, psychologists, and psychiatrists who understand the issues related to overcoming substance abuse.

Our facility offers the following:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Life-skills Courses
  • Trauma Therapy
  • Stress Management Techniques
  • Relapse Prevention Training

Psyclarity Health has a strong aftercare plan that helps patients avoid substance abuse and become less vulnerable to related mental health issues after they have completed their treatment.

Admission Process
for Referrals

The Psyclarity Health coordination team is available 24/7 to assure a smooth admission process for patients. As part of the referral process, a certified medical practitioner will provide a pre-admission assessment to determine the patient’s needs.

After drug and alcohol screening, doctors will assess the patient’s medical condition, substance use disorders, and mental health history. They may also screen for any co-existing conditions masked by the addiction that may make it difficult to sustain recovery.

Case Management

To ensure smooth referral to treatment, a dedicated case manager oversees administrative requirements during the admission as well as the discharge process. This helps to ensure seamless administration and to provide ongoing reports and updates on weekly patient progress. When being discharged, communication is even more vital. The referral sources are kept up-to-date with the progress, and all relevant parties are provided with a discharge checklist. If necessary, there is also family education to give training in the overall program.

Administration Requirements

  • FMLA Paperwork
  • Short-Term Disability
  • Medical Record Requests
  • Return-to-Work Documents

Discharge Checklist

  • Living Situations
  • Life Skills Overview
  • Continued Care Requirements
  • Introduction to Alumni Coordinator

Benefits of
Inpatient Rehab

During the treatment process, referring professionals can be assured that their patients will receive expert medical attention specific to their addiction requirements in a clinical setting. Initial treatment may require intensive rehab, specific to their substance use disorders. Long-term substance abuse requires comprehensive treatment. In many instances, withdrawal can prove dangerous, so patients need constant medical attention.

Outpatient Treatment
for Drug Abuse

During the treatment process, referring professionals can be assured that their patients will receive expert medical attention specific to their addiction requirements. After completing detox, patients may be guided through additional therapies, such as individual and group counseling. This can be supplemented by various activities to assist with developing life skills that create constructive coping methods without resorting to drugs or alcohol. If drug misuse or unhealthy alcohol use has been a result of mental illness, this can also be monitored on an ongoing basis.

Commitment to
Recovery Support

After successful addiction treatment, the mental health advantages extend beyond recovery from substance abuse disorders. Psyclarity Health’s services provide patients with tools for good behavioral health in the broader context. Long-term recovery benefits not only the individual but also their families, friends, and their communities.

Get in

Psyclarity Health has worked extensively with community-based organizations and related groups in supporting people with drug or alcohol addiction. Our team is committed to the recovery of patients undergoing substance abuse treatment. While rehab provides the primary stages of drug and alcohol intervention, true recovery is a lifelong journey. This is where your recovery community organizations are so important.

If you’re a member of a recovery community seeking support in implementing substance abuse prevention, reach out to our team to find out how our services can become part of your recovery movement.

Innovative Technology
for You and Your Patients

In addition to our wide range of outpatient services, we also offer a data-driven app designed to optimize and revolutionize the treatment experience.

The Psyclarity Health app will enable you to upload and monitor your client’s health records electronically. You will be able to:

  • Upload all clinical documentation, notes, and medical reports
  • Track and give input on your client’s treatment program
  • Offer support and telehealth services through the app to your patient

The app has also been designed to help our patients build and monitor their recovery plan, engage with a recovery community, access telehealth sessions, track progress every step of the way, and be their go-to recovery toolbox on their recovery journey.


Don’t go through the process of recovery alone.
There are people who can help you with the struggle you’re facing. Get in touch with one today.


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