Top Rehab Aftercare Program
California Treatment Center

Long-Term Substance Abuse & Mental Health Programs In California

Now That Outpatient Treatment Is Over,
Aftercare Programs Are What’s Next?

The progression from residential treatment and inpatient care to PHP and IOP programs has finally ended with the completion of outpatient treatment. Your recovery progress against substance abuse has been steady and measurable. Your sobriety has been difficult but achievable. You’re ready to build the next phase of your life and continue in long-term recovery. 

But what does that look like? How can you prevent relapse?

True recovery is a lengthy process that will continue well after initial treatment. For those who have made great strides through addiction treatment for substance abuse but aren’t ready for full autonomy and independence, aftercare programs are the solution to maintaining sobriety. Through support groups, group therapy, and ongoing care, you can sustain sober living and create a fulfilling life. 

And we can help you get there. Schedule a free and confidential substance abuse aftercare consultation today.

What Is an Aftercare Program?

An aftercare program is a structured form of ongoing care that begins after inpatient or intensive outpatient treatment. The skills received in an aftercare program equip patients with the coping skills and interpersonal effectiveness to anticipate substance abuse challenges and face them with a strengthened resolve outside of residential treatment. 

Aftercare treatment programs are designed to support patients through the early stages of recovery. Relapse prevention coping skills and peer support groups are essential elements of ongoing recovery. Depending on each patient’s needs, some aftercare programs may also include residence in a sober living facility in addition to other forms of outpatient treatment.

Why Is
Aftercare Important?

Even with successful Partial Hospitalization Programs or Intensive Outpatient Programs, relapse prevention is most essential as the patient begins the recovery process while living their typical life on their usual schedule. This is when they are faced with old obstacles and new challenges to their sobriety. 

An aftercare program continues the patient’s access to therapeutic addiction treatment and a supportive circle of peers while each one pursues long term recovery. Support groups, group therapy, sober living, and ongoing individual counseling are the best defense against relapse and the best path for lifelong recovery.

What Our Aftercare Program
Looks Like at Psyclarity

Our aftercare program for addiction treatment seeks to aid and smooth the recovery process for each patient through strategic aftercare planning. It’s an ideal solution for after a residential treatment program or a Partial Hospitalization Program. We approach all of our patient addiction treatment programs from a holistic and scientific perspective that offers the most effective care available.

Our dedicated clinical staff and mental health providers are equipped to prepare each patient to repair and rebuild every facet of their life. From evidence-based addiction treatment to mental health services, your whole-person well being is our primary focus.

Long-Term Recovery Isn’t Easy
But It’s Worth It

Our aftercare program is the clear path to lifestyle reintegration on a healthier trajectory. We respect that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for personal recovery and so create individualized treatment programs to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Using cutting-edge treatments and cultivating new mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual habits, we believe one can overcome the haunting threat of relapse. These innovative techniques paired with our experienced counselors results in a comprehensive continuum of care tailor-made for each patient.

The Benefits of
an Aftercare Program

Whether you seek admission into an aftercare program for yourself or a loved one, there are innumerable benefits to continuing with long-term care.

Supportive Recovery

Working towards lasting recovery can leave a patient feeling lonely. When part of an aftercare program, they find peer support groups full of other recovery souls who are on a similar journey.

There is room to practice coping skills and learn from others who have been in a similar place.

Ongoing Care

Individual therapy sessions are also a critical element of a strong aftercare program. These sessions provide regular addiction treatment for substance abuse without a restrictive schedule so each patient can begin to move on and heal more organically.

Helps Patients
Prevent Relapse

We believe patients require a sober support system. Being surrounded by a supportive recovery community and continuing to attend addiction treatment keeps patients focused and prepared to face substance abuse or mental health challenges. Our treatment center is staffed and operated by compassionate and qualified providers at every level of care.

An Aftercare Program is the
Best Plan For Lasting Recovery

Unfortunately, there will never be a check in the column for “recovery.” Addiction and mental health challenges are chronic by nature. Equipping patients to live a healthy and fulfilling life in spite of these challenges requires long-term care and addiction treatment. 

As the patient progresses through treatment, attends counseling sessions, and engages with their peers in support groups, they will get in touch with their most authentic self, their personal goals, and learn the techniques they need to design their life with clarity of mind and clarity of purpose.

They will learn to continue recovery for now, build an alcohol and drug-free life, and remain sober.

Remote Care & Aftercare Programs: Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Here are answers to the most common questions about remote and aftercare plans at an addiction treatment center.

Why Is Aftercare Important to Recovery?

Recovery from a substance use disorder or alcohol addiction is an ongoing process. Levels of care are designed to help you transition effectively and “step down” into the next stage of recovery, giving you more freedom and autonomy to manage your treatment with daily life. Aftercare is the final stage of healing to help you stick with sobriety.

What If Aftercare Isn’t Enough for Me?

If you feel that you need more support, therapy, or structure in your treatment plan than aftercare offers, let your care team know and we can reevaluate your recovery plan. It doesn’t have to be a linear process – success with continued recovery is the most important thing. Be honest about your progress and consider a more intensive treatment if it’s necessary.

Can I Go Back to a Higher Level of Care?

Substance abuse treatment is rarely a clear-cut journey. You may enter into a level of care and decide that you need more rigorous treatment, whether it’s outpatient, intensive outpatient programs (IOP), or partial hospitalization programs (PHP). Be transparent so that your care team can get you into the appropriate program for your success.

How Long Does Aftercare Last?

The length of time spent in an aftercare program depends on your overall commitment and wellness. It can take weeks or months, depending on your individual needs. Once you exit a more intensive program, you will need skills to transition into daily life. Aftercare is a crucial part of this healing journey to build skills for sustainable sobriety.

If you or a loved one are seeking substance use disorder or mental health treatment services, contact us to speak with our care team.


Don’t go through the process of recovery alone.
There are people who can help you with the struggle you’re facing. Get in touch with one today.


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